Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tree Identification

One of my favorite things to do is lay in bed and look out our window. It feels like we are in a tree house - you can't see any road or houses or grass or anything. Only trees and sky. What other things in nature are as awesome as trees? Some of the ones we walk by every day have been there for a hundred years or more. You can sit under them for shade, animals live in them, you can listen to the sound of their leaves blowing in the wind, they add beauty to everything around them!

I remember learning about trees in elementary school, but I also remember not caring much which of course lead to remembering almost nothing. But the past few weeks I've had a craving to just know what I'm looking at when I see a tree so that I can admire it more fully. I've been looking everywhere (thrift stores and used book stores mostly) for a field guide to identifying trees - not even our library had one!  Tom found this for me the other day at a used book store, but it was $8 dollars. 

I told him I would want it if it was less...$4 dollars for instance. 8 was way too expensive. So he took it back to the store owner and asked if he could have it for $4. She gave it to him and now I have my long sought after tree book!

Published in 1943

I got some leaves to identify them

One critique of the book is that there are no pictures of the full tree which would help a lot in getting an idea of what to look for. But shapes and sizes of trees vary so widely, I guess I can't blame them. Anyway it was written in 1943. 

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